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Here's a bonus chapter that didn't get into my book, The ERAS of His Way: An Odyssey of Grit and Grace, although it probably should have. The other 72 chap-ters available here:


In the past I have written about my love/hate relationship with the uniform. The wearing of it opens doors, no question about it. But it also smacks of exclusiveness, rendering the non-wearer as an outsider, not part of “the club.” One of my maxims has always been, "Wear the uniform, but don't let the uniform wear you!" In other words, the uniform being a means to an end, not and end in itself.

This said, back in the 80s era, Doris wrote and illustrated a little booklet on uniform wearing with the title, The Mayberry Ladies, this while we were corps officering one of the Army’s premier corps. It became an instant best seller (we actually gave it away), in constant demand far and wide.

Guess what? This demand factor brought it to the attention of those sitting on high. "Was this approved by the Literary Council?” came a query from one of those high seated officials. Alas! It was not. An emergency meeting was called, resulting in the booklet being banned for distribution (I kid you not).

Deep into the archives it disappeared, until now, our son urging his mother to resurrect and share it once again, this time via social media. WARNING! For those of you legalists out there, it still remains banned. Uh oh!

Warily, I have assumed the role of publisher, formatting it as an e-book, now available as a PDF download via our unapproved website (for all you free spirits out there):

When reading it, remember, always…

Wear the uniform; don't let the uniform wear you!

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